The Silva Family of Heritage Square: Immigrants & Pioneers

Welcome to the online portion of our exhibit about the Silva Family! You’ll find more of their history here (with a printable PDF version of this information here), pictures and documents are in an online gallery below, and there’s further reading available at the bottom of the page.

Exhibit Artifacts

Click on each image to view it in more detail.

Exhibit Pictures

Click on each image to view it in more detail.

Learn More

Heritage Square History Blog:

 The Wildly Diverse West
 We’re No Angels (about Dr. Roland Rosson)
 We’re No Angels, Take Two (about Billie and Frankie Gammel)
 Sew What (about the Haustgen sisters)
 Immigrants and The 1950 Census (learn who else has lived at the Square)

Other History Resources:

 How Japanese and Mexican American farm workers formed an alliance that made history, The World
Migration, Marginalization, and Community Development: 1900-1939, City of Phoenix Hispanic Historic Property Survey (Historic Context)